Coder, gamer, tester, doing stuff with computers since 1984, sometimes in a professional way, sometimes in a ludic kind of way.
Sometimes with Software (SW), sometimes with Hardware (HW), sometimes with Firmware (FW). Sometimes legal, sometimes illegal.
Sometimes with Software (SW), sometimes with Hardware (HW), sometimes with Firmware (FW). Sometimes legal, sometimes illegal.
Here I'll try to pinpoint my most useful tools over the years, those that ease my burdens, when things need to be done.
Sometimes I'll just post about a game, or something else related to computers.
Sometimes I'll just post about a game, or something else related to computers.
Why the name of the blog ? Atul is a typical indian male name, it is also the 355th name of Lord Vishnu, one the three major deities in Induism (Vishnu, Brahma, Shiva), and it means "incomparable."
India is in itself, a monster SW/tool house. I had the pleasure of getting acquainted with indian developers in 1995, when part of my job was "outsourced" to Bangalore and its local SW house. Before that, we worked together for about a year. In the end, I had to transfer my know-how and my code, something that I considered "mine, my precious". Still, I made some good friends that I kept over the years. Some of them migrated to the USA later on, a problem that continues today, a rotation of employees between companies and abroad, which causes major problems for keeping know-how within a company.
India is in itself, a monster SW/tool house. I had the pleasure of getting acquainted with indian developers in 1995, when part of my job was "outsourced" to Bangalore and its local SW house. Before that, we worked together for about a year. In the end, I had to transfer my know-how and my code, something that I considered "mine, my precious". Still, I made some good friends that I kept over the years. Some of them migrated to the USA later on, a problem that continues today, a rotation of employees between companies and abroad, which causes major problems for keeping know-how within a company.
I lost track of them, but still, this blog name is a way of honoring my fond memories of them: Rekha Srinivasan, Sudarshan HV, Warrier Anju, Ramesh, Renu, and a few others.
They gave me the pleasure of understanding how one can be cooperative with developers from around the world, in an era where there was NO INTERNET and NO SMARTPHONES (there was Banyan Vines, shared-slooooow drives, proprietary E-mail).
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